My life

Me, in a nut shell

Monday, November 14, 2005

Feelin good today!

Today was a great day. I had resolved on Sunday night that I was going to get my butt in gear and accomplish the things that I have been putting on hold, like sending off some bills and getting my car damage from the accident estimated...After 3 hours of running in and out of every bank in Cottonwood and the post office and proofing a new batch of business cards, I took a drive over to Tae Kwan Do Unlimited because I wanted to inquire about pricing and find out when I could start. Unfortunately it wouldn't open till 4 pm. So I went home and had 4 dogs today. Then I had to go to the doctor because I got a UTI and from there I went back to the school. I walked in and the energy was amazing. The woman behind the counter invited me to come to the class tonight to watch and see if I like it...I told her that I was just going to sign up and participate tonight if possible.

So I got my uniform and came home to wash it cause it was soo stiff. An hour later I was back at TKDU and participating. It was friggin awesome! I had so much fun that it was wrong. I was complimented on my stretch and told that once I get the stances that my kicks will be fantastic. Also I got to spar with the sensae. Three times! It was just too cool.

This is the first day in almost a whole week that I even left the house cause I wanted to. I wasn't longing for my jammies and bed. I was simply enjoying myself. It felt so nice to enjoy my own company.

I spoke to Abrian briefly today. I was excited about the class and wanted to tell him so I called him. Meh...He was kinda grumpy. I just shrugged it off though and decided not to let it bother me anymore. If he decides that he wants to see me again then fine...I'd love to hang out with him. But I honestly have to prepare myself for what I perceive as the worst case scenario, which would be that he gets back with his wife. It is a real possibility, so I have to be ready and not be blindsided.

My new resolve (which I realize should have been my resolve all this time) is to just try and enjoy each moment as it's happening and not worry about the things I have no control over. Because instead of worrying about me I was worrying about what he was thinking, and I have no control over it which was frustrating to me. I just gotta back off and let it be. It will happen if it's meant to.


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