My life

Me, in a nut shell

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I had to say it was a good day...

Today is a good day for me. I feel somewhat grounded and a bit more settled than I have in a while and it feels nice. I still feel lonely but today that doesn't seem like such a bad thing. I need to get used to having me as company. It's what I had intended from the get-go anyway. It just will take some time I guess.

And in other news, I will be seeing Abrian tonight. I have come to accept the terms of our "relationship" or lack there of. I guess it is just good enough that he asked to see me at all. At this point I'll take anything. Any companionship is better than none. There will come a time when I won't even want that from him. He isn't really giving me what I need emotionally, but as far as company goes he's a lot of fun.

Things have been really good with me and Mike. We have been friends even and it is good to know that if I need someone to take to I can always count on him, though I will not.

The house is awesome and is beginning to feel like home. I put some bird feeders out in the tree in the back and have yet to have any visitors, and I am anxious for them to come. It will take some time I guess. Patience is a virtue I have never really had.

And so overall, today is going well for me. Much better than in recent days, so I'll take it. At least I am not feeling melancholy. Not quite normal though. That's about it. Nothing exciting to tell which I suppose is a good thing eh?


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