My life

Me, in a nut shell

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Formal retraction

I would like to formally retract the statement about IMing sucking. I finally got it to work after about an hour or so of fiddling around. When I finally got it to work, it was actually pretty cool. Am I a big dork for never having used it before? Oh well. If I'm not a dork for that then there is surely something else lurking around the corner just waiting to prove I am a dork. Anyway, I made a new friend last night and it was good.

In response to some of the comments...

Suley: I just love the word facetious. The chance to use it rarely comes up...So kudos to you!

CMHL: While I got the skills to pat the bills, a lot of customers are not open to doing something different. Since there are a lot of burrs and other prickly things, most people want a "shave down", which, by the way, I ABHOR doing. The next time I get a great customer who is cool, I'll show you some funk! Until then, I'll post some of my most dramatic before and afters!

This is Blanco the Bichon Frise. It is his first haircut! I had to shave his whole body because he was severely matted, but normally with a bichon i shorten the body and scissor the legs. Notice his beautifully rounded head. ALOT of scissoring went into making his head look like that!

Suley & Fitena: I only dream about being Edward Scissorhands. He is my idol, scars and everything!

Ok, I would really like to get in on the "worst ways to die" list, but I'm gonna have to stew a bit first. BTW, guys, funny shiznit!



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